Wednesday, August 16, 2017


10 latest useful Android apps

10 latest useful Android apps, You should use

Hey guys it's not here welcome back and today we're doing the top 10 android apps of june 4 2017. The first step up is called navbar apps and this is an app which allows you to change your navigation bar to match the color of the app. You're actually in so for example if  you go into instagram. The navigation bar will go pink to match the icon if you go into gmail will go red if you go into twitter. It will go blue and i think you get the idea .it changes to match the color theme of the app. So i really do like this it sort of emphasizes the rounded corners more of the essay especially. Because samsung have a black navigation bar. It really doesn't show those rounded corners are something else.
You can do is you can set a static color. You can also show your battery level on the navigation bar and you can send image and even emojis if you want. I'm not too sure why you put the emojis. It's a little bit overdone for me anyway the main reason. I'm showing you. This is because of the color changing feature definitely check this out guys .it's so awesome ok so the app up next is called spot on alarm this one allows you to set
Spotify music or playlist in order to wake you up in the morning. So you can go ahead and log into your spotify then you go and pick a song you want to play or a playlist you can choose whether it fades in whether it shuffles. You can play it through external devices like a speaker or an amazon echo and then you can set with your phone vibrates whether it shows a notification at the top. You can then change the time on this analog clock and then you're good to go so all you do is you hit save. It will save that preset and then you can go ahead and turn it on via the toggle switch. So it's a really good app go check it out ok.

If you want to know more android apps, watch the video......

10 useful apps

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